The viewer form can be invoked by selecting Viewer from the tray menu. If you have not set up Grabber2k to run from the tray menu (see Startup options) then when you start Grabber2k the Capture form will be visible and pressing F5 or picking Tools, Viewer from the main menu will invoke the Viewer
The Viewer is where all saved captured images can be viewed. When an image is captured, with Auto-Save selected it will be stored as an image in the directory specified with a unique file name. The Viewer is simply an easy way to navigate these saved images and it allows the user to perform simple operations on each and every image, such as printing, deleting, bulk-printing and bulk-deletion, all of which will be discussed later.
To view an image, simply click on one of the images in the list on the left hand pane. The image will be fetched into memory and will be visible on the right hand pane. You can perform individual operations on an image by selecting it as describe above, then right clicking on the image name. The following popup menu will appear.
Insert popup image here
There are several options available from this menu. These options are :-
Open : This will open the image with it associated program.
Explorer : This will open a windows explorer for the directory the images are residing in. If you alter images here, such as renaming an image, the changes will be reflected immediatley in the Viewer.
Copy (Ctrl-C) : The image will be moved into the windows clipboard
Printer settings : You can alter the printer settings, so the image can go to another printer for example. You may want a colour image of what you have just captured and therefore need to redirect the output to a colour printer.
Print (Ctrl-P) : It is possible to print the image at this point. Multiple printing is allowed in the Viewer. Select all the files you wish to print. If you do not know how to do this, look at the topic entitled keyboard shortcuts. Now simply press Ctrl-P or select print through one of the other methods.
Delete : This will delete an image. It will not be permanantly deleted, it will simply be moved into the windows recycle bin. However, if you empty the recycle bin, then the file will be lost forever. Multiple deletion is allowed in the Viewer. Select all the files you wish to delete. If you do not know how to do this, look at the topic entitled keyboard shortcuts. Now simply press Delete or select delete through the popup menu.
Print Settings : You can alter the printer settings, so the image can go to another printer for example. You may want a colour image of what you have just captured and therefore need to redirect the output to a colour printer.
The main menu
The main menu consists of File, Edit, View, Tools and Help options. All options found on the toolbar can be found on the main menu. There are a few more besides, as the toolbar is desinged to have only the most used options. These additional otions are :-
Help, About : Displays the Version information and Free resources
Help, Tutorial : Starts up the Help file and go's to the 45 minute Tutorial
Help, Support : Starts up the Help file and go's to the Support Topic
Help, FAQ : Starts up the Help file and go's to the Frequently asked questions topic
The form footer
When you select an image it's full name, including it's path will be displayed, then it's statistics will also be displayed. A typical image statistic will look like :
[ Image Size: 26h x, 229w, File Size: 17kb ]
This is saying that the image is 26 pixels high by 229 pixels wide and is 17k.
Resizing and using the splitter
The Viewer has a minimum size and will not go below this. This is to prevent a user from inadvertently sizing the form so small that it cannot located easily. You will notice that the Viewer has two main "panes", the left pane : the image file list and the right pane : the image area. These two panes can be resized, simply place you mouse over the the area between the two area's until your mouse cursor changes to a resing cursor, then simply move the pane.